You, Money, Happiness

You, Money, Happiness started as a YouTube channel, when founder, Armando Roggio, wanted to take what he'd learned from more than 25 years of experience in journalism and marketer and apply it to the creator economy.

Initially, the channel and website focused on personal finance, but that changed in 2024.

You see, Armando had just built a two-sided, newsletter sponsor marketplace for a creator-focused email service provider. After taking the project from zero to millions in revenue, Armando learned that it was possible to make a significant living online as a content creator. So now, You, Money, Happiness focuses on sharing information that could help folks earn a living online.

Key Sections on the You, Money, Happiness Site

Newsletter Articles. In about 18 months, Armando helped newsletter creators generate more than $4 million in gross sponsorship and advertising revenue. In the process, he worked with more than 800 content creators. This section features articles related to running a successful newsletter.

Blogging Articles. The term blogging has been around almost as long as the internet has. Today, blogging describes the hub of a successful content creator business. And here we describe why every content creator needs to have a website or blog, if you will.

Newsletter subscription. You, Money, Happiness publishes a twice weekly email newsletter. The newsletter is meant to unlock your potential and help you reach your goals with proven strategies for successful blogging and email newsletters.

Site Map. This one is mostly for the bots and scrapers, but if you want to see everything there is, you can visit one of several XML sitemaps.