Budget Definition: What is a Budget Anyway?
Budget: A plan for how you will allocate your income and expenses over a specific period of time.

Budget: A plan for how you will allocate your income and expenses over a specific period of time.
budg·et /ˈbəjət/
1. an estimate of income and expenses for a set period of time.
2. a plan of based on such a budget estimate.
3. a spending plan.
1. allow, plan, or provide a particular amount of money in a budget.
1. inexpensive or cheap.
What is a budget?
A budget is an essential financial tool used to manage your income and expenses. It involves allocating funds over a specific period of time, usually for a particular goal such as saving for retirement or purchasing a home. With a budget, you can control how much money you spend on different categories such as housing expenses, transportation costs, food, and medical care.
How to Budget
Creating a budget requires careful consideration of your current and future financial needs.
You must assess your income to determine how much money you have available to spend each month and then allocate it accordingly across various categories. You should also consider what changes may occur in the future that could affect your budget such as job changes or an increase in bills or expenses. By taking these things into account when creating your budget, you can make sure that you’re prepared for any unexpected events or changes.
When developing your budget plan, it’s important to start by setting realistic goals and expectations. This means defining what items you will use the money for as well as how much money you need in each category. Sticking to this plan once it’s put in place is just as important; if any additional funds become available at the end of the month (due to lower-than-expected expenses), resist the urge to splurge and save instead.
It’s also important to remember that budgets are not written in stone; they are meant to be reviewed periodically so that adjustments can be made if needed. It’s wise to review your budget every 6 months or so – this will help keep spending on track and ensure that you stay within the parameters of your original plan. Additionally, tracking expenses throughout the month is key; this will provide insight into where improvements may need to be made within the budget itself.
Budgeting Methods
There are several popular budget frameworks and methods that people use to manage their personal finances:
- The 50/30/20 budget: This budget allocates 50% of your income for necessities, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings and debt repayment.
- The zero-sum budget: This budget involves allocating every dollar of your income to a specific category or expense. At the end of the month, your income and expenses should balance out to zero.
- The envelope system: This budget involves allocating a set amount of cash to specific categories or expenses and physically putting the cash in envelopes. When the cash in an envelope is gone, you can't spend any more in that category until the next budget period.
- The cash flow budget: This budget involves forecasting your income and expenses for a certain period of time, typically a month. The goal is to ensure that your income is greater than your expenses so you can save and invest.
- The value-based budget: This budget involves prioritizing your spending based on your values and priorities. You allocate your money to the most important categories first and adjust your spending in other areas accordingly.
- The reverse budget: This budget involves starting with your savings goals and working backward to determine how much you need to save each month to reach those goals. This helps you prioritize saving and investing over spending.
- Kakeibo: A form of Japanese financial journaling that involves asking questions about your money situation. The goal is to help you become more mindful of your spending, save money, and improve your overall financial situation.
Budgeting Benefits
In general, having a budget is essential for anyone looking to achieve their financial goals –whether it’s paying off debt faster, saving more money for retirement, or vacationing overseas– while still having enough left over each month for leisure activities and other essentials like groceries and utilities. Creating one requires dedication and discipline, but the rewards of having a plan in place that helps you manage your money effectively are well worth it.
So don’t wait any longer; get started on creating a budget today and start achieving those financial goals.
Read more Budget articles on YMH.